Wednesday, April 6

Bottled Water-Health Project (

 Kevin Palma

February 2, 2013


            Refined Sugar: The Truth – I want to be explaining the sugar shock and effects on the human body with refined sugar. I also will explain the necessary amount for sugar and how the average American diet surpasses that limit by a long excess. I will explain sugar excess and the effects on the brain from refined sugar. I’m going to also explain in my essay the addictions to sugar and what kind of disabilities can be caused from refined sugar. Lastly, I am interested in this topic because I feel like many people don’t know the truth behind it and how it’s kind of like a drug due to the fact it’s unnatural and it taste good.

            Electroshock Therapy: I want to explain this harsh biological treatment which was practiced in the 1950’s to American and Canadian citizens. It was titled under Project MKUltra and I will explain the brainwash using torture methods and drugs. I will then be explaining electroshock therapy effects and aftermath state of patients. The reason I am interested in this subject is because it has to do with the human mind and putting it through crazy experiments.

            Fatal Familial Insomnia: I want to give an explanation of this rare sleeping disorder caused by an autosomal dominant inherited prion disease in the brain. I will explain in my paper how it only affects approximately 40 families, or 100 individuals worldwide. It has no cure because sleeping pills do not help and it is a genetic death sentence and the symptoms however, will not begin until adulthood and then lead to death within a couple of months. I am interested in doing this topic because it is caused by a dominant allele and is very rare. 
