Showing posts with label Satanic religions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satanic religions. Show all posts

Monday, April 2

Jesus Is A Lie ---> Voodoo Is Our Ancestor's True Spirituality

What's sup guys I haven't posted in a while. But Today I just want to exposed the Christian movement. It seems like ever since I stopped believing in Serapis Christi, I've come across nothing but pagan Christians.

My friend said that when he was "meditating" that people started liking him more, he had more attention from girls, etc. He even stated that when he let it known to others that he was a "satanist" his christian friend started to get angry with him. I'm exposing my relationship with this old friend because I want everyone reading this to know: If you like all things spiritual, you read blogs about it, you watch YouTube videos about the creator, you're starting to call yourself "enlightened"

You people need to wake up & remember not to be a douchebag! The only reason why my "friend" got into a car crash and his girlfriend put him in danger is because of universal karma! Duh. That's common sense. If you go back to look at everything my friend was only reaping what he sowed. Of course you're going to get in a car crash because you want people to worship you.

And now you know what this "friend" has been up to recently? Jack shit. He's been doing nothing but getting drunk and not really doing anything. This is the same guy that's supposedly became "christian" after being satanist, and being a christian again lol well he's not really doing well. 

Monday, September 21

The Religion of Christianity Is Losing Membership

Hey everyone, how are you doing? I just wanna say on this blessed day that the religion of Christianity is constantly losing membership, and I have the facts to present that statement and back up such claims.

Now as the chief editor of this blog, it should be noted we do not believe that Christianity follows the REAL Jesus. So it should be obvious to those with enough common sense that as a spiritual individual, this is not alarming to me.

Over the course of 2,000 years the religion picked up billions of followers, with hundreds to tens of numerous offshoots. Now whether or not the Roman Catholic Church was the first "Christianity" sect or not is up to debate. I've previously stated that it should not matter to a non-Christian.

  • Quick fact: 2.3 Billion followers worldwide Source
  • 32% Drop in Followers. Source #2
  • Even other Christians/Religious followers admit Christianity is losing ground Source #3
  • Protestantism has a -4.8% decrease in followers according to this source
  • Overall, Christianity has a -7.8% negative decrease.

Okay, so according to polls and survey is it truly possible to determine that there's a negative decrease in true followers of Christianity ? 

If anyone has the time, you can listen to the audio message below to understand.

Now, some disclaimers are that while it is true Christianity is losing membership; It should also be noted that most of the defectors are not turning to God but to man. Please, may the chosen be blessed and stay blessed. It's not surprising honestly, the ratio of true followers to worldly folks remains constant.

Thursday, January 15

Jesus was not a white man when he walked the Earth

Most people to this day really believe that Jesus Christ was a white man when he walked the Earth, something like this:
The impostor/false image of man promoted in the pagan religion of Christianity

To be more specific, a lot of Christians identify Jesus Christ as having olive skin, long hair, blonde hair, and sometimes blue eyes. Like that --->
Contrary to popular belief however, Jesus Christ was not a white man, and as a matter of fact, the bible tells us that Christ indeed was a black man when he walked the earth 2,000 years ago. He would look something like this:
According to the book of Revelation, the apostle John described Christ in Revelation 1:14 "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters." So what's that mean?
Well brass was widely used in those times as a weak type of metal and if burned in a furnance what color would have came out? Brown, so that can only mean that John is describing Jesus feet as a brown color and if John was wrong, then why would God allow it in the bible? Also, wouldn't the other apostles try to correct him?