Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts

Monday, April 2

Jesus Is A Lie ---> Voodoo Is Our Ancestor's True Spirituality

What's sup guys I haven't posted in a while. But Today I just want to exposed the Christian movement. It seems like ever since I stopped believing in Serapis Christi, I've come across nothing but pagan Christians.

My friend said that when he was "meditating" that people started liking him more, he had more attention from girls, etc. He even stated that when he let it known to others that he was a "satanist" his christian friend started to get angry with him. I'm exposing my relationship with this old friend because I want everyone reading this to know: If you like all things spiritual, you read blogs about it, you watch YouTube videos about the creator, you're starting to call yourself "enlightened"

You people need to wake up & remember not to be a douchebag! The only reason why my "friend" got into a car crash and his girlfriend put him in danger is because of universal karma! Duh. That's common sense. If you go back to look at everything my friend was only reaping what he sowed. Of course you're going to get in a car crash because you want people to worship you.

And now you know what this "friend" has been up to recently? Jack shit. He's been doing nothing but getting drunk and not really doing anything. This is the same guy that's supposedly became "christian" after being satanist, and being a christian again lol well he's not really doing well. 

Tuesday, January 5

Religion is Big Business

Preachers of God come on stage to get viewed by millions of people to drive out the demons out of people and help the truth seekers to find God. It is perhaps the curiosity and knowing temptation to be someone in control who drive those to these positions. In a wake of human catastrophe, is it possible that they are in control of their own lives ?
This is what the Jewish Elites want you to worship

Well, how to begin. The idea of religion has interested me a lot, even if I disagree with it. I'm a huge fan of God, so you can see why I don't like organized religion. I also don't like labeling people, which is why I can't seem to find a "category" to give if asked what am I ? I have always referred to myself as "spiritual" since I was sixteen. I never liked the idea of neither agnostic, nor atheism, because I've always been content with pushing myself and not being comfortable. I have a problem with no one who wants to believe in any of the well-known labels and categories, yet I somehow never found a category for myself. I personally believe I am in that 1% who thinks like this and...
That 1% of society/humanity in general are the building blocks to change. We are truly, hard to define, so we choose a multitude of paths to influence others. This is people like Mayer Amschel Rothschild, John D. Rockefeller, Tupac Shakur, John F. Kennedy, ect. Rare people to find.

Now, Christianity was started by a person of that 1% rarity. Modern Christianity is a business, and those who are smart enough to run the business are a 2% of the pyramid/hierarchy of humanity. 
T.D Jakes has a reported estimated net worth of $18 million, meanwhile a pastor of a megachurch, Steven Furtick has reported bought himself a 1.7 Million dollar home. Even T.B. Joshua has a net worth of $15 million

Creflo Dollar Asks his followers for Money

Southern Baptist Church pulls 500k a week

Think about this, the church makes $500,000 a week; that's $2 million a month, followed by $24 million a year. And in terms of hourly rates, this is $71,429 a day or $8,929 AN HOUR. (I based this information from the websites' data on Google. The church is open from 9 Am until 5pm)
This amount of money an hour is more than certain people make in 2 months! This just goes to show how corrupt the Christian world really is. That's why you're on this blog right now! Because screw religion! Get yourself a spiritual life