Showing posts with label Christianity exposed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity exposed. Show all posts

Monday, April 2

Jesus Is A Lie ---> Voodoo Is Our Ancestor's True Spirituality

What's sup guys I haven't posted in a while. But Today I just want to exposed the Christian movement. It seems like ever since I stopped believing in Serapis Christi, I've come across nothing but pagan Christians.

My friend said that when he was "meditating" that people started liking him more, he had more attention from girls, etc. He even stated that when he let it known to others that he was a "satanist" his christian friend started to get angry with him. I'm exposing my relationship with this old friend because I want everyone reading this to know: If you like all things spiritual, you read blogs about it, you watch YouTube videos about the creator, you're starting to call yourself "enlightened"

You people need to wake up & remember not to be a douchebag! The only reason why my "friend" got into a car crash and his girlfriend put him in danger is because of universal karma! Duh. That's common sense. If you go back to look at everything my friend was only reaping what he sowed. Of course you're going to get in a car crash because you want people to worship you.

And now you know what this "friend" has been up to recently? Jack shit. He's been doing nothing but getting drunk and not really doing anything. This is the same guy that's supposedly became "christian" after being satanist, and being a christian again lol well he's not really doing well. 

Tuesday, March 17


If you notice, a good percentage of Famous Masons are indeed numerous Christians from many different satanic cults. Catholics, Mormons, Baptist, etc.
McCall, Abner V. President, Chancellor and President-Emeritus of Baylor University in Texas, he also served as the First Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention (1979-80) and a long-time leader of the Organization of Baptist Colleges and Universities. He wrote "In thousands of meetings of Freemasons and of Baptists stretching back 60 years, I have seen nothing that made my belief and work in the Fraternity of Freemasons incompatible with my belief and work as a member of a Southern Baptist church."
Newman, Robert - Revolutionary War Patriot. He was the Sexton of Christ Church (Old North), Boston, when lanterns were hung for Paul Revere. He served as Grand Tyler for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Newton, Joseph Fort - Christian Minister and Masonic Author
Newton, Louie D. - President of the Southern Baptist Convention; Vice President of the Baptist World Alliance; served 27 years on the SBC Executive Committee.

If you don't believe me, click on this link to visit the page. Do your own research people! Because many sections of Christianity claim to be the real truth, but if you look at their history and the original roots of these titles you can see where exactly it originated from and all of the freemasons throughout the years. Be blessed all you awoken people and help a brother out; Share my blogs via social media & with friends and family. This is the real deal truth now available @

Friday, January 16

The Catholic Church was not founded by the Apostle Peter

Hey everyone who's reading, God bless those keeping up with the blog. I just wanna add more with my new statement: The Catholic Church was not founded by Peter, and whoever told you that lie needs to repent and let go of that lie. Now, I want to say this: If you do not want to let go of being a pagan Roman Catholic and you want to continue to go to church faithfully every month due to your pride, don't even waste your time with this article. This is for the serious followers of Christ.

Now for all you people who follow what I do on here and you're loyal, I just want to say it is a blessing to have people from other countries reading this right now. Seriously, I am so so greatful to God that I have fans, but I will continue to test my fans and friends and continue to grind for the most-high God. And let me tell you all a story, when I was a younger boy, I had to go to Catholic school. In this Catholic school, I was already into the truth at 15 years old. I hated having to go to Catholic meetings because I saw myself as a "real Christian"

Haha, that was a long time ago though... However I do remember the teacher in the Catholic school said that our church was founded by the apostle Peter. Okay so I want to say this: If you been believing that for awhile now, you're slightly dumb. And here's why...


He would have been dead by then. The life expectancy was much lower at the time of the evil Roman Empire and even his successors wouldn't have been able to have founded the Catholic church. If they did, he would have lived for at least 120 years. It is said that they found this church in 130 A.D. so how the hell did they start it if they were alive when Jesus was around and died around 1 A.D. ? That doesn't make sense, humans didn't live that long back then. So that is all I want to say and I seriously pray for those Roman Catholics and pagan Christians, because they'll find themselves in hell if they don't come out of that stuff.

Thank you all for reading and please share (: