Showing posts with label satanic symbolism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satanic symbolism. Show all posts

Monday, April 2

Jesus Is A Lie ---> Voodoo Is Our Ancestor's True Spirituality

What's sup guys I haven't posted in a while. But Today I just want to exposed the Christian movement. It seems like ever since I stopped believing in Serapis Christi, I've come across nothing but pagan Christians.

My friend said that when he was "meditating" that people started liking him more, he had more attention from girls, etc. He even stated that when he let it known to others that he was a "satanist" his christian friend started to get angry with him. I'm exposing my relationship with this old friend because I want everyone reading this to know: If you like all things spiritual, you read blogs about it, you watch YouTube videos about the creator, you're starting to call yourself "enlightened"

You people need to wake up & remember not to be a douchebag! The only reason why my "friend" got into a car crash and his girlfriend put him in danger is because of universal karma! Duh. That's common sense. If you go back to look at everything my friend was only reaping what he sowed. Of course you're going to get in a car crash because you want people to worship you.

And now you know what this "friend" has been up to recently? Jack shit. He's been doing nothing but getting drunk and not really doing anything. This is the same guy that's supposedly became "christian" after being satanist, and being a christian again lol well he's not really doing well. 

Thursday, January 29

Christian music and the gospel industry are pagan doctrines from hell

Hello everyone and welcome to today's post, although I have re-posted other people's videos, I will explain more in depth with words. These videos I have personally just found amazing for exposing the so called "Christian music" scene.
This video right here was awesome. Tireo explains how Christian rap artists and various gospel musicians compromise the truth and their actions don't add up with scripture. This is not about being perfect, it's about honesty and reaping what you sow.

Below a brother named Nephtali goes at it with Lecrae and Trip Lee concerning the Mark of the Beast. He also talks about other so called Christian music artists.
So that being said I want to discuss the whole "Christian music" scene with an open eye. If you notice when an artist wants to enter in the gospel industry, they have to show a producer their demo tape or E.P. and the Demo recording has to be reviewed to not have cuss words or any serious truth. That's ridiculous because last time I checked, the true gospel of Jesus was never an industry. You never saw Christ telling Peter to send him a demo recording for review and all this foolishness that promotes favoritism. Peter was chosen and that was that. It wasn't about him cussing because at the end of the day we all sin.
So why do Christian music labels want to review the lyrics so bad? Because the managers in the gospel industry have to water down their product for the stupid Christians out there who follow & support all the Christian bands and rappers. It's nothing but a business.