Tuesday, January 5

Religion is Big Business

Preachers of God come on stage to get viewed by millions of people to drive out the demons out of people and help the truth seekers to find God. It is perhaps the curiosity and knowing temptation to be someone in control who drive those to these positions. In a wake of human catastrophe, is it possible that they are in control of their own lives ?
This is what the Jewish Elites want you to worship

Well, how to begin. The idea of religion has interested me a lot, even if I disagree with it. I'm a huge fan of God, so you can see why I don't like organized religion. I also don't like labeling people, which is why I can't seem to find a "category" to give if asked what am I ? I have always referred to myself as "spiritual" since I was sixteen. I never liked the idea of neither agnostic, nor atheism, because I've always been content with pushing myself and not being comfortable. I have a problem with no one who wants to believe in any of the well-known labels and categories, yet I somehow never found a category for myself. I personally believe I am in that 1% who thinks like this and...
That 1% of society/humanity in general are the building blocks to change. We are truly, hard to define, so we choose a multitude of paths to influence others. This is people like Mayer Amschel Rothschild, John D. Rockefeller, Tupac Shakur, John F. Kennedy, ect. Rare people to find.

Now, Christianity was started by a person of that 1% rarity. Modern Christianity is a business, and those who are smart enough to run the business are a 2% of the pyramid/hierarchy of humanity. 
T.D Jakes has a reported estimated net worth of $18 million, meanwhile a pastor of a megachurch, Steven Furtick has reported bought himself a 1.7 Million dollar home. Even T.B. Joshua has a net worth of $15 million

Creflo Dollar Asks his followers for Money

Southern Baptist Church pulls 500k a week

Think about this, the church makes $500,000 a week; that's $2 million a month, followed by $24 million a year. And in terms of hourly rates, this is $71,429 a day or $8,929 AN HOUR. (I based this information from the websites' data on Google. The church is open from 9 Am until 5pm)
This amount of money an hour is more than certain people make in 2 months! This just goes to show how corrupt the Christian world really is. That's why you're on this blog right now! Because screw religion! Get yourself a spiritual life

Monday, September 21

The Religion of Christianity Is Losing Membership

Hey everyone, how are you doing? I just wanna say on this blessed day that the religion of Christianity is constantly losing membership, and I have the facts to present that statement and back up such claims.

Now as the chief editor of this blog, it should be noted we do not believe that Christianity follows the REAL Jesus. So it should be obvious to those with enough common sense that as a spiritual individual, this is not alarming to me.

Over the course of 2,000 years the religion picked up billions of followers, with hundreds to tens of numerous offshoots. Now whether or not the Roman Catholic Church was the first "Christianity" sect or not is up to debate. I've previously stated that it should not matter to a non-Christian.

  • Quick fact: 2.3 Billion followers worldwide Source
  • 32% Drop in Followers. Source #2
  • Even other Christians/Religious followers admit Christianity is losing ground Source #3
  • Protestantism has a -4.8% decrease in followers according to this source
  • Overall, Christianity has a -7.8% negative decrease.

Okay, so according to polls and survey is it truly possible to determine that there's a negative decrease in true followers of Christianity ? 

If anyone has the time, you can listen to the audio message below to understand.

Now, some disclaimers are that while it is true Christianity is losing membership; It should also be noted that most of the defectors are not turning to God but to man. Please, may the chosen be blessed and stay blessed. It's not surprising honestly, the ratio of true followers to worldly folks remains constant.

Tuesday, March 17


If you notice, a good percentage of Famous Masons are indeed numerous Christians from many different satanic cults. Catholics, Mormons, Baptist, etc.
McCall, Abner V. President, Chancellor and President-Emeritus of Baylor University in Texas, he also served as the First Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention (1979-80) and a long-time leader of the Organization of Baptist Colleges and Universities. He wrote "In thousands of meetings of Freemasons and of Baptists stretching back 60 years, I have seen nothing that made my belief and work in the Fraternity of Freemasons incompatible with my belief and work as a member of a Southern Baptist church."
Newman, Robert - Revolutionary War Patriot. He was the Sexton of Christ Church (Old North), Boston, when lanterns were hung for Paul Revere. He served as Grand Tyler for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Newton, Joseph Fort - Christian Minister and Masonic Author
Newton, Louie D. - President of the Southern Baptist Convention; Vice President of the Baptist World Alliance; served 27 years on the SBC Executive Committee.

If you don't believe me, click on this link to visit the page. Do your own research people! Because many sections of Christianity claim to be the real truth, but if you look at their history and the original roots of these titles you can see where exactly it originated from and all of the freemasons throughout the years. Be blessed all you awoken people and help a brother out; Share my blogs via social media & with friends and family. This is the real deal truth now available @ JesusIsNotReligion.com.

Thursday, January 29

Christian music and the gospel industry are pagan doctrines from hell

Hello everyone and welcome to today's post, although I have re-posted other people's videos, I will explain more in depth with words. These videos I have personally just found amazing for exposing the so called "Christian music" scene.
This video right here was awesome. Tireo explains how Christian rap artists and various gospel musicians compromise the truth and their actions don't add up with scripture. This is not about being perfect, it's about honesty and reaping what you sow.

Below a brother named Nephtali goes at it with Lecrae and Trip Lee concerning the Mark of the Beast. He also talks about other so called Christian music artists.
So that being said I want to discuss the whole "Christian music" scene with an open eye. If you notice when an artist wants to enter in the gospel industry, they have to show a producer their demo tape or E.P. and the Demo recording has to be reviewed to not have cuss words or any serious truth. That's ridiculous because last time I checked, the true gospel of Jesus was never an industry. You never saw Christ telling Peter to send him a demo recording for review and all this foolishness that promotes favoritism. Peter was chosen and that was that. It wasn't about him cussing because at the end of the day we all sin.
So why do Christian music labels want to review the lyrics so bad? Because the managers in the gospel industry have to water down their product for the stupid Christians out there who follow & support all the Christian bands and rappers. It's nothing but a business.

Friday, January 16

The Catholic Church was not founded by the Apostle Peter

Hey everyone who's reading, God bless those keeping up with the blog. I just wanna add more with my new statement: The Catholic Church was not founded by Peter, and whoever told you that lie needs to repent and let go of that lie. Now, I want to say this: If you do not want to let go of being a pagan Roman Catholic and you want to continue to go to church faithfully every month due to your pride, don't even waste your time with this article. This is for the serious followers of Christ.

Now for all you people who follow what I do on here and you're loyal, I just want to say it is a blessing to have people from other countries reading this right now. Seriously, I am so so greatful to God that I have fans, but I will continue to test my fans and friends and continue to grind for the most-high God. And let me tell you all a story, when I was a younger boy, I had to go to Catholic school. In this Catholic school, I was already into the truth at 15 years old. I hated having to go to Catholic meetings because I saw myself as a "real Christian"

Haha, that was a long time ago though... However I do remember the teacher in the Catholic school said that our church was founded by the apostle Peter. Okay so I want to say this: If you been believing that for awhile now, you're slightly dumb. And here's why...


He would have been dead by then. The life expectancy was much lower at the time of the evil Roman Empire and even his successors wouldn't have been able to have founded the Catholic church. If they did, he would have lived for at least 120 years. It is said that they found this church in 130 A.D. so how the hell did they start it if they were alive when Jesus was around and died around 1 A.D. ? That doesn't make sense, humans didn't live that long back then. So that is all I want to say and I seriously pray for those Roman Catholics and pagan Christians, because they'll find themselves in hell if they don't come out of that stuff.

Thank you all for reading and please share (:

Thursday, January 15

Jesus was not a white man when he walked the Earth

Most people to this day really believe that Jesus Christ was a white man when he walked the Earth, something like this:
The impostor/false image of man promoted in the pagan religion of Christianity

To be more specific, a lot of Christians identify Jesus Christ as having olive skin, long hair, blonde hair, and sometimes blue eyes. Like that --->
Contrary to popular belief however, Jesus Christ was not a white man, and as a matter of fact, the bible tells us that Christ indeed was a black man when he walked the earth 2,000 years ago. He would look something like this:
According to the book of Revelation, the apostle John described Christ in Revelation 1:14 "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters." So what's that mean?
Well brass was widely used in those times as a weak type of metal and if burned in a furnance what color would have came out? Brown, so that can only mean that John is describing Jesus feet as a brown color and if John was wrong, then why would God allow it in the bible? Also, wouldn't the other apostles try to correct him?