Friday, December 5

The New American bible is a pagan doctrine of satanism, and I'll explain why

Have you all taken a look inside this version of the bible, what really strikes me as odd is the fact that I be opening up the book, and I saw a pyramid with an eye in the middle right there in front of my face. No really, it’s almost as if these bible revisers really don’t care anymore, they’re just showing y’all, speaking to Christians now, that they really don’t care. They aren’t trying to hide it, they’re not trying to even cover it up. The reality is that these major companies who be printing out these bibles that the majority of big churches have, are all satanic, the employers are satanic, and whoever is the head of the publication company obviously doesn’t worship God. Cuz God def woulda told them by now that they shouldn’t be putting up a big old illuminati eye in the beginning of the book. Stuff is straight up sick and wicked man. This ain’t a game.

If you guys wanna know even more about the truth of the bible errors, visit this website @

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