Wednesday, December 10

If you're a Christian, stop waiting for Jesus to come back (I'm not an atheist)

Alright so first off, and intro:
Everywhere I go on Facebook, all I see in the Christian community is a bunch of bible verses and white Jesus pictures on their Facebook and rarely do I see an actual person spreading the gospel in an original way. 
Now I'm going to be honest here: I'm sick of paranoid Christians who think the world is ending immediately. No one truly knows, however, I do know one thing and that is the fact that Satan needs time for him to fully execute his plan.
America will be the greatest moral decline in the history of the universe. Pedophilia still needs to be a widespread acceptance and somehow all countries have to hate God's people so much that it'll be illegal to say turn to Jesus in public. That will definitely take about 50 yrs because just look at the massive time it took for homosexuals to be accepted. I'm saying that not to defend it, because in my opinion, if that's what you want then go ahead.
But I said it to correlate that with the fact that Christ said it himself he won't come back until all nations hate us (the true followers of God, NOT Christians) When did you ever read a passage in the bible where Jesus said he's coming back for Christians? Never, he said he will come back for his chosen followers and I pray that God picks out those who call themselves Christians and they will start waking up to this truth so they'll get the heck out of Christianity.
Jesus is coming for his loyal followers, and what time was that he said? All nations hating on us. Do you see the people of God being persecuted everywhere today? Hell to the no, because even if that was true, there wouldn't even be internet, or this post would be restricted right now. I wouldn't even be able to publish this blog based off the fact that the words "Jesus" and "truth" may soon be trigger words to put a page on government surveillance in the future to come. This future of course, being a New Age religious state, where the Antichrist rules and no it is NOT Obama.
First the first world (Americans) have to be convinced that there is no God, only spiritual energy. This is done through yoga and other pagan religions of Buddhism and such. People are also going to have to be out of control to the max, I'm taking about going all out for Satan. Satan's people are getting bolder and wiser by each year, I've noticed. This is happening concurrently while God's people are getting dumber.
How are God's people getting dumber you may ask? Well for one, a lot of silly paranoid Christians will seriously believe if someone says the rapture is coming in 2015. Someone will seriously believe a Christian book author just because they have the word "Christian" in front of them. Sad but quite true.
Okay, before reading y'all: realize this is my personal speculation of what's to come in fifty years. I think that the world, especially Americans, will eventually accept pedophilia.
Now I know that already sounds like a ridiculous claim, but if you search out the facts and place the corresponding pieces to the puzzle together, it is evidence of where modern-day America is headed. To total destruction, and fornication, and all other descriptions which were stated in 2 Timothy: 2 in the bible. Zoophilia is already legal in some states, so what's next? You can literally have sex with animals and you wouldn't even get in trouble for it, but pedophilia is another story. This is likely what is to come in a sex-obsessed, materialistic, and youth glorifying world.
First, it'll start out in certain states, the marriage age will lower to sixteen. Following that, after possibly another decade of brainwashing television reality shows and sitcoms filled with young lust, it'll lower to fourteen. And that is how the cycle moves down. Of course, it'll be given a different name, just like "homosexual" is older than the word "gay" in a noun sense. "pedophile" will be changed to something the masses can churn out their jaws without feeling dirty.
And I also would like to just say this: did you know that in the 50's it was almost like a mental disease ? That is why I am saying this. Plus, that is also why I don't care when the rapture is. Because honestly, I'm happier just enjoying my life. If it comes tomorrow, okay, I don't care. I have Jesus Christ, the real black Jesus Christ. Not that false pagan image you see in the churches. If he comes, I'm not afraid. I just gotta be ready. We all gotta be ready. We all have a challenge to face tomorrow, in a few weeks, in years to come, and maybe even until we die. Life is a challenge, and a test. Choose your options, because everyday is another day, okay kind of cliche, but I still keep in mind that tomorrow we don't know what's going to occur. We think we know, but we really don't.
Amen you all who made it this far, I hope this concludes as helpful to your walk with God, may the Lord Jesus be with you always~!

Friday, December 5

The New American bible is a pagan doctrine of satanism, and I'll explain why

Have you all taken a look inside this version of the bible, what really strikes me as odd is the fact that I be opening up the book, and I saw a pyramid with an eye in the middle right there in front of my face. No really, it’s almost as if these bible revisers really don’t care anymore, they’re just showing y’all, speaking to Christians now, that they really don’t care. They aren’t trying to hide it, they’re not trying to even cover it up. The reality is that these major companies who be printing out these bibles that the majority of big churches have, are all satanic, the employers are satanic, and whoever is the head of the publication company obviously doesn’t worship God. Cuz God def woulda told them by now that they shouldn’t be putting up a big old illuminati eye in the beginning of the book. Stuff is straight up sick and wicked man. This ain’t a game.

If you guys wanna know even more about the truth of the bible errors, visit this website @

Thursday, December 4

Many Christians don't care about your success

Hello, so I'm back with another blog. Today I'd love to write about how many Christian pastors, preachers, and teachers do not want us to make it, and hear the reason why...

First off, know that I felt like God laid this in my mind and on my heart because I follow God, but I just don't follow Christianity. Religion and Jesus are two different things. So to all who are reading, I understand it is more important to please God. But this topic needs to be evaluated. I feel like many preachers out there in the world are not gonna tell you this stuff. A lot of Christians will give you good teachings, and how to have great morals, but not only do half of them not even follow their own doctrines, most of the time that’s the only Ace they have up their sleeve. They can’t seem to bring anything inspiring as you think to the table. Remember the Lord God have dreams too, and your own goals and thoughts for a brighter future come from the Lord. So why don’t they talk about it?
Okay so many Christians do not want you to be successful and a good amount of people who are into religion do not wanna see you make it, and the reason I’m saying this is because it’s not a lie it is true and I have points to back it up. I even will show you scripture to, because you guys already know man.. When I say something, I tell people straight up with some good evidence because I dont just say things just to say things or hurt other people.
  1. Okay number one, the first reason they do not want you, as a follower of God, to make it is because of… Competition. If they see you make it and get success, they’re gonna get jealous. That’s why many Christian teachers stay teaching on your sins because it’s like a way for them to keep you enslaved
  2. The second reason why they do not want you to make it is to keep you dependent on them. It’s the same technique that the government has been using for the last fifty years people. It’s like they get you high off these christianity doctrines and you get an addiction to church, because it’s basically the same as a drug. That’s why you keep buying medicine when you get sick because you’re addicted to it, it’s drugs! It’s like you depend on sick, drugs of men rather than let yo God-given immune system take care of it for you.
  3. Another reason why religious institutions, Christians, Muslims, and other supressing cults such as Agnosticism and Athiesm do not want you to make it is because they want your money. They’ll even lie to you by saying it’s for “donation” now come on, you can’t fool me. If that person (T.D. Jakes) for example already has millions in his bank account, how do you want me to donate? I’m already struggling. I already gotta pay the rent.
Now I really don’t want my people in shackles and chained around the neck. I mean it because I love you all. I see you all as my brothers and sisters, and I don’t see you as my fans. I truly don’t. If you wanna call yourself a fan, ay that’s up to you bruh but I’m not about to do that cuz I want you all to be disciples of Christ and follow God til death. In addition to that, I want you to make it. Seriously, I don’t want you to be some man or woman sitting on a computer all day. Haha, I don’t want you to just be some fool sitting behind a computer all day. God does not want you to just be living in your parent’s basement or your grandma’s basement all your days. God wants you to go out there and make this life truly worth it 100% man because there’s so many things that people can do for the glory of God but since the system has been set to where you can’t even pay rent without getting all kinds of folks charging more money and keeping you in bondage.
No my fellow people! We must overcome the major institutions, corporations, and demonic people of this world we live in today because they do not want you to make it. They want us dependent on man rather than God, and I’m here to take a stand against that right now and tell you that you can chase God's plan and dreams for your life. This will truly make us his children, for in Christ we represent the kingdom of God. And besides, all that, I'd like to churn out some facts, did you all know that Kroger is the one of the largest retail companies in the country? Who would want to keep Wal-Mart in the top 10 of big American greedy corporations when you can do it without a college degree or a major? Be independent.
Now I'd like to use this as an example, the real life Ip Man, also known as Yip Kai-man was a Chinese martial artist who had several students who later became martial arts teachers at their own will. And I suspect he was chosen by God because the dude was real talented. I mean if y’all ever seen his films on Ip Man, this brother was just man… Like I’m just sayin’ he was cold. And he came from the bottom, from dirt brokeness man. He grew up in the great depression era in China. I mean we’re talking about China here, at a time when it was being invaded by Japan. This was 1930’s poor, wayyy different than say 2000’s poor. Cuz now you got technology, iPods, internet, the computer, you know all these things that can help people but it’s sad that most of the time people are not using it for good. And I know "good" is in the eye of the beholder but still, what is productive about a daily social media drug habit, or a list of gossiping posts and vlogs? I am not willing to partake into it..
So now that I’ve gotten off topic, I’m going to re-count into what I was saying and that is that Yip man was successful. I personally believe that Jesus put him on, and God gave him several students who weren’t just anybody, these students of him were seriously determined. At least the majority of the trainees learned from one of the greatest Martial Arts masters to walk this planet. For real. And I just love the fact that Yip man wasn’t jealous when Bruce Lee blew up. ‘Cuz he really did blow up, and Bruce Lee learned from the best. But even at all that, Ip Man saw Bruce Lee blow up and he was happy for ‘em. He didn’t start tryna cop some of Bruce’s money. He didn’t start tryna go up to Bruce Lee and be all like ay and where’s my cut? Cuz Ip Man was not fake and he was a true martial artist. Dude was real cold man, and so was Bruce Lee.
So I'd just like to say this, if any of you people who read this start your own business and it gains popularity, then that’s good. I’ll be very grateful if God allows that, because not everybody gets an opportunity like that. So hey man it’s cool because I really don’t want you to even depend on me, so if you get fame and you don’t talk to me no more.. I’m honestly fine with it. Just like Tupac said, I ain’t mad at cha. I want y’all to make success. And if Jesus makes it so that the new followers of God are even greater than my generation, then that’s living, intellectual and God-honest proof right there that the true end times isn’t gonna come until maybe two or three centuries later. And hey I could always be wrong, but I know for sure that we’re only in the beginning of the end.
So if that’s true, there has to be a middle and a big finish. And I believe that the new generations are going to have progressively stronger followers of God. Even more intense than Tireo, even more so than the apostles, and even more so than me. Seriously, because the way God operaters is when evil becomes magnified like it is today with all these cursed teenagers and these young people having sex so early and smoking they first blunt so early and doing all kinds of satanic practices that their own ancestors wouldn’t even done, God is gonna amplify his own followers and bring forth some of the most truthful people and faithful followers of Jesus to the Earth ‘cuz it’s real. Oh yeah, and I’m loving that.

Seriously, I respectfully disagree with those that oppose this truth of Jesus 100%, because after all we should be the change we want to see in the Earth right? And this is not fake, be real with yoself and with God and people and you will achieve what a lot of jealous, back-biting Christians don't want you to be. What a lot of hating Muslims don't want you to be. What your parents don't want you to be. What a bunch of Pagan preachers don't want you to be. What Hebrew-Isrealites don't teach. What school isn't really telling you. To have a successful relationship with God, that is what this message is about. People who are willing to be serious for the sake of a better future and for God, and those who will not stand with us, let them be. Don't give what is unclean to the dogs. Don't give what is unclean to the double minded Christians. Don't give your ideas to the Hebrew-Isrealite Cult, the Mormon Church, or the Catholic Corporation. And don't waste your time with athiest trolls, and the weak minded spirits who do not believe in life after death. But rather go follow God. Grace be with you, all true followers of Jesus & I pray that you all make it, not only in the Earth but in Heaven, Amen.